Saturday, June 22, 2013

3 Reasons Why You Should Support Missionaries

There are a multitude of "reasons" that fit into this category but I wanted to share what seem to me to be the 3 most important. 

1-It requires you to exercise your faith in Christ.

By giving money to someone overseas, you are more than likely “giving up” something within your own budget.  Whether that is entertainment or a few less take out meals, you are choosing to give it towards someone else.  You lose a comfort or two, which might even be a friendly reminder of the comforts your chosen missionary has given up as well.  This isn’t for you to feel guilty, but for you to feel connected to something and someone much bigger. 

These are the times when you leave room for God to do something grand.  You choose to say, “This is not my money.  The Lord will do with it whatever HE pleases.”  And all of a sudden, BIG stuff starts happening!  It might be 20 or 30 dollars… or maybe it’s a hundred or two.  But either way, there is faith in the decision and that is often when we see how miraculous He really can be in our lives and others. We don't know what He will do with it, but we know He's big enough to make it work.  

2-It creates great humility within the chosen missionary.

Humility is always a good thing.  We could all use a double dose of it.  Whoever is receiving your money knows that it was a God thing that it even happened in the first place.  To pay your bills and plan your food with other people’s donations is great reliance on the Lord.  To not feel guilty… and to not feel the need to pressure others for more money… it’s all a reminder of how faithful the Almighty is and a sign that He is really the one in control, not us. 

After a year and a half of living off support, I am amazed, overwhelmed, thankful, and mostly humbled by accepting the fact that others believe in me enough to give me money to live on.  And, they trust I will be a good steward with it.  

3-The ripple effect of your giving is beyond your imagination. 
You supporting a missionary means they can do their job well.  And whatever they might be sharing or teaching, it will go into the ears and hearts of others on the other side of the world.  Then, they will share that news… and pass it on to their families and children… and generations to come are affected because you chose to be obedient!  Yes, missionaries have to use your money to buy the not fun stuff like toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, medicines... well... you get the idea.  Missionaries need to live.  And not just barely live, but live well and be healthy.

I am just a small example of this, but I can’t help but wonder if the few us with PCL weren’t here… what would and wouldn’t happen?  These kids wouldn’t know the Word.  They wouldn’t know English.  Many of them could be on the streets.  Many of them would have been sex-trafficked.  The Common Grounds staff might not have jobs.  People wouldn’t have found medical help.  And the list goes on and on.  AND-that’s just one organization.  Imagine ALL the work that every organization is putting forth in countries all over the globe.  It’s truly massive.

The ripple effect for years and generations to come is beyond our comprehension, yet we must admit and grasp that it is huge therefore we must be obedient. 

*I write this NOT for personal gain, because honestly, I am covered financially until the end of my time here… BUT, I do want to encourage you to consider giving to someone overseas and maybe even seek someone out specifically. 

 Not only will it change you, but it will impact the hearts of others in a deeper way than that brand new pair of shoes would.  

Thank you to everyone who supports me financially!  You are a true GIFT!

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