Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The One and Only

PCL has been active in Cambodia now for almost 12 years.  People have come and gone... lives have been affected... and souls have been changed.

I want to introduce you to one of those shining stars- Chheang Hai (pronounced Chang High).

I first met Chheang Hai when I visited Siem Reap in 2011.  He was a server at Common Grounds with a particular knack for English and a desire to connect with people.  He is a quick favorite when foreigners visit because he has a fantastic sense of humor and glowing personality.  A visiting team quickly taught him a joke about asking American girls where they are from... and often the reply was Tennessee... and he would say, "You're the only 10 I see!"  HA!  He had no clue what it meant, but it made people laugh and that's all he cared about!

Chheang Hai is no longer at Common Grounds as he has moved on and been sponsored to attend Paul DuBrule tourism school where he is studying hospitality and tourism-a clear choice for him.  He still visits Common Grounds in his very snazzy uniform and attends church on Sundays.  I truly believe Chheang Hai has experienced great change while he has been connected with PCL and I can see the sparkle in his eye now as he grows to be more confident.

This past Sunday we took a day trip to Battambang and I captured some great shots of Chheang Hai.  As you can see, his smile is captivating!  Also, after we rode home in the back of the truck... for 3 hours... I stood up when we arrived and he looked at me and said, "Abby, your hair is the style of the tree."  hahahahah... he was sooo right!  My hair was a hot mess and I'm so glad he made a joke about it!  He is one of the warmest Cambodians I have ever met and I truly treasure his friendship.

Even in Battambang, Chheang Hai saw an old friend.  This little dude visited Common Grounds often and made a quick friend with Chheang Hai.

Giving Mom Julie a hand massage... with sunglasses on, of course!

Many of you have visited and remember Chheang Hai.  If you have a funny or pleasant story about him, please share as a comment.  He is such a jewel!


SJonesG said...

I'm so glad you wrote a blog about Chaing Hi! He was always a bright spot when visiting Common Grounds. I love talking to him. He is so interested in everything and asks a million questions and laughs at everything. It was fun to learn from him but I'm glad that he is moving on and doing bigger and better things! Keep mentoring him so he will succeed. He has a bright future with his personality and tell him we love him and want to see him each time we come in.

Amy said...

I'm with Shirley, so glad you wrote a blog about Chheang Hai! I frist met Chheang Hai when I was on the World Race and of course thought he was great. When I came back almost a year later to work with PCL I recognized him right away and thought that with all of the people that came through he wouldn't remember me..but he did! I loved becoming friends with him and am thankful for Facebook so we can keep in touch! So proud of this guy!

Lana said...

hey Abigail. I have lived in SE Asia for over two years until recently. I absolutely love Cambodia. Thanks for what you do there.