Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Candid camera

I have high hopes of guiding my blog into "video blog" world because I won a video flip cam at my work party!!!!! wahoo!!!!!

I was THRILLED about this door prize, considering 30 other people won 5 lb. Hershey bars. I obviously got the good end of the deal. Flip cams are anywhere from 100 to 200 dollars, and they are about the size of your cell phone. You plug it right into your computer and there's the video!

Now... I experimented with my new technology at the annual Sedgwick Christmas party which was last Saturday. We had SUCH a fun time! and the video is great too! Except-I think it's too big to upload to my blog and I tried even a short little clip and it still wouldn't work. If anyone knows how to shrink the file or make it work in uploading, please do share because I don't know how to fix it.

Other than that... I'm truckin' right along to Christmas break. And even better, they are calling for extremely low temps Sun. night and maybe even ICE. YESSS!!! Bring oooooon the snow days! =)

Also, I LOVE getting Christmas cards in the mail... I pretty much look forward to checking the mail everyday when I get home. So please send me one if you read my blog. I'll get you my address if you leave a comment. (I won't publish it publicly if you indicate that.)


Shawn Virginia said...

I check the mail everyday too!! Just waiting:-)

SJonesG said...

The video upload on blogger is terrible, that's the problem. You can upload your video to youtube and then link to your blog post. Or, if you want to edit it first, you can load it into a video editing program. on a mac we have "imovie". I think "movie maker" is free on a pc. both of those are pretty easy to use. Just clip out parts you dont want or if you want the whole thing, just save it as a smaller file and then you have to upload it to youtube or photobucket or wherever. Then paste in the "embed" file into your blog post.

The Life of Rookie Parents said...

Our card will come soon! Well if we don't haveMORE problems w/our mailman!

Mario Hood said...

Upload it to youtube or vimeo then embed it, Or use the video edit program that comes with it.