Saturday, March 9, 2013

I'm baaaaaack!

I've missed these kids!

A catch up blog for you… some inconsistent ramblings.

I arrived in Cambodia the evening of March 6 (morning for you American time zone folks) and what a joy it was to step off the plane with the smell of Asia in my nostrils and the humidity slappin’ me in the face!  And I was still wearing a sweatshirt!

I have somewhat tackled the jetlag battle better than previous times before.  For some reason I feel like that is a grand accomplishment and I should receive a piece of flare or something for my suitcase. 

I have found great comfort in returning to this sticky, dirty land.  I’m actually a little surprised by it.  I mean, it only took me a year, but I find security at my home in TN and now I feel the same in Southeast Asia.  All I have to say to that is…. THANK YA JESUS! 

My creative writing was completely stifled in the States and that was frustrating to me.  I’m going to have to dig out the cause of that, but I’m hoping my return to Cambodia will liven my spirits a bit and allow me to continue blogging and sifting through the ups and downs of this journey. 

Home was wonderful, refreshing, comforting, helpful, and re-energizing:  all the things it was supposed to be.  Here’s to year 2 and the journey ahead!  Cheers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great picture of Ravuth! He's my boy. :)