Saturday, August 7, 2010

I have no title.

As you can tell by my blogging pattern, summer does not really initiate much for me to blog about. The school year always provides much more entertainment.

Thist past week the teachers in our county were back at it going to sessions, listening to multiple motivational speakers, technology trainings and attempting to actually plan lessons. It's been ridiculously exhausting. I think I've been asleep more today than awake. ha.

Our kids come Monday, full day.... full week... which is a new thing. We usually gradually begin but not this year! BAM! A full week! sooo... I'll let ya know how it goes. (If I'm still alive that is.)

Let me have a bratty moment now.... I am a little depressed that I'm not one of the youngest teachers anymore! AHH... This is my 6th year teaching and we have a few new hires that are brand new, right out of college so I feel old now. BUT, I will say... I'm thankful for the past years of experience and I really wouldn't want to be in their position. but I still feel old... =(

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