Sunday, January 17, 2010

Things I'm Looking Forward To...

Here is the list that is keeping me going:

Things I'm Looking Forward To...

1. Basketball season being over... in less than 2 weeks. Praise the Lord!

2. Having my student teacher teach 2 full weeks. What will I do all day? Ohh wait... everything else that seems to still take up my time at school.

3. The new Valentine's Day Movie. (shallow, huh?)

4. Spring Break in NYC with family and then visiting my BFF in Virginia! SO EXCITED!

5. Actually running the half marathon-HUGE goal!

6. The last day of school.

7. Disney in June!!!

Yes... you can note all of the traveling being done, thus why I'm a little tight on the funds, but it will all work out somehow! =) Might as well live it up while I can!

1 comment:

Jules said...

Okay, you better call a sista' when you come to Orlando in June!!