Friday, September 12, 2008


I really do love to write, promise. But now, when I sit down to blog... my fingers are way too tired and my eyes want to shut. But I am pushing through right now, because it's FRIDAY and I get to SLEEP IN tomorrow! Well... sleeping in to me is like 8:30 but whatever, good enough.

Here are some highlights from the past week because I have no deep, thought-provoking statements to post because my brain is fried.

1-I have watched the new 90210 and am pleased to say I like it! I was an avid fan of the old one, so I had to venture out and trust the new one would be good.
2-Started a new book call "unChristian". Whew... hard book to read as a believer, but it holds excellent material that all Christians should be exposed to. What do you think the number one "word" outsiders label Christians as?

3-I have cheers and dances constantly running through my head now, which is totally pathetic. My cheerleaders are getting better every practice, and I'm so proud of them! They keep life "interesting".

4-I have GREAT kids this year at school, with the exception of a few bratty little girls (they really are the worst ones!). I really am enjoying all of them.

5-And lastly, my best friend Shawn is in town this weekend and I am just so happy I could cry! YAY! I miss her so much! Booooo on husbands for taking my friends away!

Is fall break here yet?

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