Monday, March 1, 2010


(Disclaimer: I apologize for not having pictures like I used to but since I don't have internet, I'm always blogging from someone else's computer and my pictures are on my own computer. I promise one day-the internet issue will be resolved.)

I have a plethera of different things I could blog about but since this is most fresh on my mind, I will choose this topic.

First of all, this past weekend I assisted some ladies in planning a conference for young girls at Lee. It was AWESOME. We've been planning for 6-8 months and it turned out fabulous. The vision basically was to lead, guide, and encourage Lee girls as they start making decisions about what their life might be AFTER Lee. We had multiple sessions with different speakers, fabulous food, "networking time", and a very well-known motivational speaker-Emory Austin.

I had the joy of sitting in on one of my good friends who was able to lead a session. She works on
Capitol Hill and enlightened so many of those young girls about what life is like in the "political world." I was actually quite inspired myself! But once I started to reflect on the whole session, I'm always amazed about how different our (as in everyone) lives and jobs are. We could all sit down and make a list of pros and cons about our job. No job is perfect. Some of us are extremely envious of others and the money they might make... but they also might work an extra 20-30 hours a week.

I think as mature adults we all have to get to the point where we are grateful for our jobs and thankful we even have one. There's no need in coveting someone else's job or the benefits that may come with it. For instance, I think it's funny when people comment about teachers getting their summers off... I wanna say to them, "Ya know... you could have become a teacher too, and have the same schedule?" So don't knock me for picking a profession that has GREAT hours! But... I also challenge some of you to tackle 30 different 8th graders every hour and not only keep them calm... but keep them entertained, engaged, AND actually learning something... all the while not losing your mind!

Ya see, the list could go on and on. I get jealous that some people have more than 25 minutes to eat lunch.... or that they don't have to take work home every night... or that they actually have a chance for a raise. =) ha. I made the choice to do this job and I have to accept all that comes with it.

Therefore, I encourage you to focus on the good things about your job and not compare. I always knew my friend on Capitol Hill had a stressful job, but listening to her made me realize-we are all created for something different and she handles her job like a champ. We have different gifts and talents... so use the accordingly.


Rachel said...

Very well said! You must choose to be happy in what you are doing because if you don't you will spend all of your time being miserable. Others peoples lives and situations aren't always as great as what you think they are.

Lisa Michelle Turner said...

I like your new blog background btw. :) I sometimes catch myself comparing the glamorous parts of others jobs to the parts I don't like about mine. apples to oranges. You rock for putting up with all those kiddos all day, I'm glad I chose not to. :) Thanks for the reminder to be content with what I have. love ya!

The Quesenberry Family said...

Good post! I don't know how you teachers do it!! I definitely think that there is going to be a HUGE reward in heaven for y'all :)! Even with the "good hours" not many people could do it!

The Life of Rookie Parents said...

YAY! Thank for you this post and the part about not complaining about your job because some people don't have one! Always love your blogs

Katie said...

One word for you: AMEN!

One Woman's Thoughts said...

Congratulations on inspiring and motivating the women of tomorrow.

Giving of yourself is living forever, you touch someone and they never forget. Sometime in their life, when it is their time, they will give of themselves too.

Yes, we not only appreciate our jobes and those of others, but appreciate our lives as well. Great posting.

Stephen said...
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Gaurav Shah said...

Nice Blog!