Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Evening with Harper

Wednesday night I was able to keep little Harper for about an hour and a half. Rachel wanted to go to church, so I volunteered to keep her at my apartment why Edward had the boys.

It really was quite uneventful, but rather funny to me when I think about it. I've kept my sister's kids more times than I can count, but for some reason, I got nervous when it was just me and Harper! I just sat there and watched her as she slid around on the floor, fed her some of her bottle, and just held her. I was too nervous to even get a snack or go upstairs without her! haha... I went and got the camera to capture a few shots, just us two. Knowing my house is not "baby-proofed", I guess made me nervous! Gotta love her orange little nose!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could there be a baby with prettier eyes??