Friday, January 27, 2012

One week down!

I'm sure as time goes by my blogging will morph into something different, but right now... I want to show pictures so you can grasp an idea as to what I'm doing and what things look like. So... just a few photos and captions for you today. =)

We went on the Tonle Sap Thursday and this is the PCL barge. It has solar panels to help provide electricity and Matt and Catie Nelson ( will be staying out here 2 nights a week to start up a ministry/education class.

Yesterday was Rachel's birthday-she turned 12. Julie celebrated by having her party at the skating rink! Yes! They have a new skating rink-on the roof. It's pretty snaz.

If you know me at all-you know that posting a picture of a dog is about the last thing I want to see on a blog. That's why this is funny-because I do not particularly care for animals. Usually ever. BUT-my new roommate does have a dog, and here he is. His name is Constantine and he's kind of cute. We are training him to stay out of my room and he's slowly learning. Dogs love to hover over me and sniff. I'm just irresistible!

Here are the children performing a welcome dance for us new PCL volunteers. I love the vibrant colors!

And lastly, Sreilem at the Children's Home did my hair. =)

1 comment:

Lisa Michelle Turner said...

Lois said to tell you, god had a send of humor :) I hope you like ol' Constantine more everyday! :)