Sunday, November 6, 2011

5 and 5

Cambodia progress is being made and instead of a logistical update... I thought I would share a few abstract concerns that are beginning to permeate my train of thought these days.

Of course I'm thrilled about this move, but I'm very nervous about several things.... and at the same time-very excited about a few as well. So I want to share my 5 biggest fears about moving to Cambodia, and my 5 biggest excitements!

Here we go.... lets get the ugly out of the way first.

1. Missing people. This is obviously the most difficult situation I'm facing and I do not know how I will handle it. I'm going to have some rough days, I know, but if I become sentimental or whiny through facebook or a blog or something... please do not say, "Well, you're the one who decided to do this!" yes. I'm very aware of that. But that does not help me at all, and I'm not bailng on this!

2. Gaining weight. I don't know why this is a fear, but I'm afraid that eating "easily" over there will translate into me gaining weight fast. When in doubt, I always eat rice which causes me to swell like a balloon! So, I'm just going to have to learn to cook with their stuff and stay on track. Just like always.

3. Extreme weather. The insane heat, or never-ending rain, or unbearable dust. Whatever it may be, it's just not going to be as comfortable and I have to get ready for that.

4. Not knowing the language. The comfort of having all English speakers around me will be sparse, and I'm going to have to really put forth the effort in learning Khmer.

5. Finances. I have to trust and believe in His provision and that I'll always be taken care of but that small speck of fear still creeps in at time. I'll find a way to live, even if it's on a minimal amount!

Onto the five excitements!!!

1. Not being here during the 2012 election. I LOVE that I won't have to see all of those terrible ads and the nonsensical propaganda. I still plan to vote, I'll just do the candidate research myself.

2. Living a slower paced life. I like that Cambodia moves a little slower and isn't so time orientated. Although I appreciate punctuality, it will be nice to not have to be some consumed with time.

3. Walking more. I don't think I'll have a choice but to walk more, so hopefully this will negate my fear of gaining weight. ha.

4. Learning their education system and helping their children grow and learn. It's going to be great to have such freedom in this field and still know I'm helping educating a child.

5. Doing all things PCL and meeting new Cambodian friends!! That's the whole purpose-right?!

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