Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

I'm not quite sure if I've ever blogged about one of our book club books, so this might be a first.

A group of ladies, including myself, have book club once a month and it is one of my most favorite days of the month. =) We often chat about this and that... and eventually get to the book.

Our meeting for this month is Saturday, and because I don't think I'll be able to be there (nephew's b'day party in Nashville), I thought I would blog about it.

It was such a great book. Random at times... but good. The whole premise is understanding how to write our own life story by actually following a true plot sequence. Therefore, we must have characters, conflict, and struggles to overcome. I jotted down a few quotes:

"We are unwilling to embrace the potential greatness of the story we are actually in. We think God is unjust, rather than a master storyteller."

"She knows who she is. She just forgot for a little while." (in context about a young girl after a heartbreak or something like that... and this quote totally sounds like me)

"I didn't want to learn whatever it was he wanted to teach me. I cried out to him an angry petition for rescue. I doubted him and needed him at the same time. God seemed to me, in that moment, a cruel father burning a scar into my skin with his cigarette. And yet I knew he was the only one with the power to make the pain go away."

You should get this book: A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, by Donald Miller...or whoever comments first and says they want it, I'll mail it to you free. He wrote Blue Like Jazz, which I can admit that I actually like this book better than BLJ.


Teddie said...

ha ha. Your Mom wants to borrow it! Sounds like a great book!

Cameron said...

Reaaly Abby? I want it! Or maybe I can just borrow yours!

The Life of Rookie Parents said...

I need a new good book!