Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blue Eyed Babies, Broken Blood Vessels, and Bath Water

(Kind of a long post, beware... but funny story at the end.)
Welp.... summer is half way over for me but I'm still enjoying every moment! I still have fun stuff to look forward to!

To sum up the past few weeks... I've been to the pool several days with family and friends so I've had my fair share of "sun sickness". It was so hot last week (as Clevelanders know) that I needed a few days off. After visiting L's pool this week she said, "you just can't ever get away from kids, can you?" And honestly, I love that there are kids always around. I realize that is kind of the phase of life I'm in with my friends (obviously, not my kids and not ALL of my friends have kids) but I LOVE all of their children dearly. Mom's pool and L's pool are basically bath water. It's great for a night swim though!

Speaking of L, I ventured and ran with her... a woppin' mile and a half. yea.... I was like weezing toward the end. ha. Gotta start somewhere!

My sister came into town yesterday and I'm thrilled to see her and little G. He has such blonde hair and HUGE blue eyes. I LOVE him! He's got 4 little teeth and big cheeks. I'm hoping to spend the whole day with him Monday while Sarah and Alex venture to Nashville... again... to finally buy a house! yay!

Now for the ridiculous story of the day... I had an eye appt. this morning already scheduled just for my yearly and new contacts. Sooo... I wake up this morning with goo in the corner of my eye and my eye red, like a broken blood vessel or something. I think "well, good thing I'm going to the doc!"

So I go... do the routine stuff.... then meet with Dr. P (who is sooo nice) to do the regular eye check. He checks my right eye... tells me I could have an infection... shines light in my eyes... puts some drop in it that he says turns my eye yellow (gross!!!!) and then just tells me I must have scratched my eye getting my contact out last night and he'll give me a drop that will clear it up in 5 days.

Well people... I can't handle eye talk. I don't like for people to be near my eyes... touch my eyes... blow a puff of air in my eyes....put drops in my eyes... ANYTHING! (If you watch Friends, please know that I am Rachel in the episode where she goes to the eye doc and doesn't want him to touch her eye and then he tells her she'll have to get fitted for a glass eye in 6 months if she doesn't treat it.)

So, throughout all that talk... I... somehow... got extremely "faint." My whole body got hot... I got sick to my stomach... started to see dizzily... and realized "I'm about to pass out." That has NEVER happened to me! I thought to myself, "either I tell him I don't feel well... or he's really gonna have to catch me falling out of this chair." So to shorten this story, I told him... I got some water, a wet cloth, went to the restroom, looked in the mirror to notice I was PALE WHITE, almost green. RIDICULOUS. I calmed myself down, went back, carried on and was fine.

Thank the Lord I told him and thank heavens he was such a great doc to understand! He actually said it wasn't uncommon, that some people are just sensitive to eye talk. Well, apparently that's me and I didn't know it.

After telling everyone in my family, I got no sympathy (especially considering my uncle almost chopped his leg off last week and my aunt just underwent major surgery, and here I am with a measly scratched eyeball) because they all thought it was funny... and kind of ridiculous. I really can't explain it. You can show me needles, bloody insides, and chopped off limbs, just don't come near my eye with sharp objects, talk about corneas, blood vessels, or glass eyes. ewwww......


ALM said...

Hey girl. I saw that you left me a blog comment but I accidentally deleted it instead of publishing. Go figure. I didn't see all of your message but apparently I have a neighbor that you know? Do tell! I am so ready to meet more people in the area.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and that your scratched eyeball heals! =)

Claire said...

I can sympathize with getting all queasy at the doctor. A few summers ago, I had to go to physical therapy for some lower back problems and at my first visit, where the PT was going over the 'biology' of my injury and treatment, I got faint, and ended up vomiting in the trash can in the little 'semi' private consulting room. I was humiliated and wish I could have stopped it. But seriously, sometimes your body just reacts that way. We can't help it, can we?

Katie B said...

I'm checking out your blog from your sister's posting on Kelly's fun! Anyways, I too live in Cleveland, TN...where do you teach? I teach MS science at GPS (in Chattanooga)...just wanted to say HI! check out my blog

katie b