Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bring it on

I can feel the end of the year coming on strong.... my goal is survival without going nuts the next 9 1/2 days. These last few weeks at school are somewhat overwhelming because there is so much to do and finish before we can "leave" for the summer.

The past few weeks though have really confirmed and solidified a major "question" in my life. It's easy as a mid-twenty something to get caught up in the "am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing" or "am I going to live here forever" or "am I really happy doing this" and yadayadayada. I guess within the whole house hunt I was really having to ask myself some serious questions.

Then, it's almost like it hit me one day... I am where I'm supposed to be and doing what I'm supposed to be doing. After listening to a sermon by Robert at The Link, he talked about living adventerously and how the Christian life is supposed to be the ultimate adventure. And then I thought about what I do everyday, who I deal with, and the things I have to hear... and it's time I turn it into an adventure. It already is one, but I have to use it to my advantage.

It's funny how people think the school system is full of Christians and just the best place to be... but in reality, it's full of secrecy, anger, affairs, and so many other things that corrupt the good things that should be done.

So... after 2 years at Lake Forest, I am finally at peace that it is totally where I'm supposed to be. Yes, I could move to a school with "easier" kids and parents to deal with... and not feel so much pressure on tests scores etc., but I don't care anymore. It's where I'm supposed to be.... it's a challenge... and at times it feels like I'm in a war, but I'm ready for it. I've been fighting it the past few weeks... so bring it on....

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