Sunday, April 19, 2009

House Hunt vs. Man Hunt

As I have begun my new adventure in looking for houses, I have come to realize how similar it is to also looking for a man. =) Although I rarely ever discuss my "relationship" issues on my blog, I think this is fairly broad and you may also agree that these comparisons are true. Here is my list:

House Hunt = Man Hunt

1. They can look so nice on the outside, and then you see they are in awful shape in the inside.

2. Overpriced, and you know you can find a better deal.

3. In a bad neighborhood... aka.... in the "wrong crowd."

4. Not enough personality or originality.... looks like every other one.

5. It might need too much work, and it's not worth the time or money.

6. No garage..... oh wait... Not for sure how to relate that one to a man?

So there is my list. Let the house (and man) hunt continue. :o)


Rachel said...

Hysterical! No garage means they don't have what it takes to protect you from the storms.

Mario Hood said...

You are too funny. I'm still claiming this is the year.. and I second Rachel, No garage=No protection from dangerous elements!

megan hood said...

I LOVE this post! so unique and soooo true. I like #2. Can't wait til you find Mr. Right

Lisa Michelle Turner said...

#5 is cracking me up! :)

Shawn Virginia said...


caringcat said...

Amen sister. I am not in the house boat quite yet, but I feel you on the man hunt. A very good post!