Sunday, November 27, 2011

Book Worm update

I have finished several books and am in the thick of a few others. I have a compulsive problem with not being able to read just one book at a time. I don't know why I do that!

I try to keep my Shelfari list updated on the left hand column so you can follow what I'm reading-not that you probably really care. =) I will gladly take suggestions, so feel free to comment with book ideas anytime!

I am currently reading this one... it's good so far. If you have never read "Same Kind of Different as Me"-do it RIGHT AWAY! It was the first book written by these two men and it's absolutely fabulous! Grab some tissues though.

A Wrinkle in Time is a Newberry Award Winner from many moons ago, but it's definitely a classic. For some reason, it wasn't AT ALL what I expected. It was a little more far fetched than I had imagined, which is fine, but I had created some pre-conceived plot for some reason. It was good. Not my favorite Newberry, but still somewhat riveting.

Now as far as Tuck Everlasting... I did thoroughly enjoy. I can't believe I had never read this! It was just enough of a time piece mixed with fantasy that it kept my interest. It's basically about a family who has found the "fountain of youth": hence... "everlasting". Although I don't like this cover particularly because I don't think it's as fitting as it could be. But that's just my opinion.

I read Sold in an entire day-on an airplane ride home. I bought it on Amazon and read it all on my phone. I think it's written extremely well, and is actually geared towards middle school girls. It's about a little girl who gets sold into sex-trafficking. The journey Patricia McCormick creates is extremely vivid without being overly inappropriate. It's very honest, transparent, yet purposefully afflicting due to the nature of the topic. Excellent book.

Oh my my my.... Kisses from Katie was also a book I read in just a few days because I couldn't put it down. Katie Davis appeared at Catalyst this year, and this is where I heard about her first (from people that went, not me actually being there). So I decided to look her up. Um-whoah! She is maybe 23? now... she lives in Uganda... and is the parent to 16 little girls. Yes. She has completely adopted all of them and is their one and only mother. There is no need to divulge more information because you just have to read it. I needed to read this because of my future adventures, and at times, I felt like she had crept into my brain and written down exactly what I wanted to say.

Now-totally switching gears. ha. My mom got this book for me because she knew I would appreciate it, I'm sure! It's all about being most effective with your time and tasks throughout the day. Eat That Frog! comes from identifying the biggest and most daunting task aka "frog" of the day, and getting that done first. It had some great tips in it.

Catching Fire is the 2nd book in the Hunger Games series. It's SO good. I think these books start slow, but they are always worth it. I am about to start the third-Mockingjay. The Hunger Games movie comes out in March and we are all already anticipating the day! What I like about these books is that there is not one large divisive piece that will prevent people from wanting to watch it (i.e. witches and wizards or vampires). Violence might be the only thing considering it is about a war over districts fighting for food and survival. I CAN'T WAIT!

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