Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bad Place

(if you came for a Cambodia update-sorry-not that kind of post)

I'm in a bad place.

My mind.... is just in a bad place.

If Jesus would have walked into my classroom today I don't see how he could have been the least bit pleased with even the words coming out of my mouth. I'm just at my wits end. I have said "shut your mouth" more this year than all the previous year's combined. And a few "shut ups" even came out. Yes. Not teacher of the year here.

I know what you're thinking... "Abby, you only have like 5 weeks left!" Yes, this is true. But I still care... about my job and hoping my kids will still learn a little bit. I think some teachers tolerate so much because they honestly don't care.

And I can't help but wonder how different things will be in Cambodia and if I'll even have the same issues. I doubt it.

I like order. I like schedules. I like a pattern. It's how I get a lot accomplished. I also like for my students to at least have a pencil and pretend that they care. I honestly just don't have the answers... how do I get my kids to bring pencils and paper? I mean-do their parents not at least wonder why they get on the bus with nothing in hand??

I have no answer. I'm clearly terrible at this and I think they all despise me. I mean-honestly-I try to be positive and encouraging and down to earth with them but I'm also exhausted by 9:15 and am barely running off fumes the rest of the day. I will give a student instructions and they will blatantly disobey and just stare at me. I fear the future of my own children because I will threaten them severely if they ever mistreat a teacher because it's a TERRIBLE feeling. I did ask one boy this week if it was his goal in life to make me miserable. I think if he was honest, he would have said yes.

I just try to tell myself, "Abby, some of them actually turn out ok." Middle school is just not that time. If I return from Cambodia in two years and consider the teaching profession here in the States, please remind me of this feeling right now and I'll gladly go flip hamburgers.


SJonesG said...

It could be that this is just God's way of giving you another nudge "out of the nest" to confirm that you have made the right decision in your upcoming mission. I heard a sermon on this many years ago and ever since when I find myself in a really bad desperate place I remind myself that something great is in store because obviously I'm being pushed out of the nest so I can learn to fly to new heights and there is a much greater mission to accomplish with much greater rewards! Your big adventure is about to begin!!

lindsay rae said...

Girl. I FEEL ya. In every single way.