Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Weekend

I feel as if I should have a profound Thanksgiving blog, but I don't really. It's been great to be with family, my new nephew, have my two other nephews spend the night with me (where they also told me they thought I would have a small tree because my house is small... and that I need a bigger broom apparently). We've eaten a lot and we have discovered our family has grown dramatically. We have babies in every corner now!

Onto another note... I thoght I would feature some of my new iPhone apps. My 8 year old nephew seems to know more about it than me, but I am slowly learning. So I wanted to feature an app-White Noise. I usually sleep with a fan, but I've been having congestion problems so it's not been a good idea. I was having a hard time falling asleep and thought surely there is an app for some noises to put me to sleep!! Soo... I search for "sleep sounds" and of course, there were several... and they were free. =) I upload the White Noise app and it has like 10 different sound: crickets chirping, beach waves, grandfather clock, thunderstorm, oscillating fan, etc. And it also has a timer you can set!! How great! Anyways... I fell asleep to the beach that night and it was great.

Also, a new game (which I actually learned about from my cousin) I love is Ragdoll Lite where you shoot rag dolls out of a canon and try to hit a target! So childish, yet I love it! More app reviews to come...


Nathan + Whitney said...

You're awesome!

SJonesG said...

this is great. I need to post about the apps I like. White Noise saved my life when we went to Italy. It was Oct so they had shut down all A/C by then. We had this hotel room that was on the 2nd floor, right above the busy city sidewalks, and it was unseasonably hot that October so we had to open our windows or sweat to death. Thank God we had downloaded whitenoise before we went. We had it on our laptop and on my iphone so we played them both as loud as we could to drown out all the noise so we could sleep! It worked!! (along with a few tylenol pm's) haha