Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I have nothing to write about. But.... I am going to write anyways before someone in my family tells me "you're not blogging enough!"

Abby thoughts or happenings right now...

1. Homecoming was a blast this past weekend, because I got to see SO many old friends!
2. So happy Jaber asked me to be in her wedding! Yay for being a bridesmaid!
3. I've been getting to work earlier, which is helping me stay a little more organized.
4. I don't have ANY school work to do tonight, for once, so I might get to read.
5. Tomorrow is my first basketball game... the loooooong days are headed my way.
6. I think with the winter always comes an annual weight gain. boo. :o(
7. I should take a nap. Right now.

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