Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Big Day

Listening to the hustle and bustle of my kids this morning was quite comical. "Obama wants to change our flag colors to black and gold!" "Obama's the anti-christ!" "Barack HUSSEIN Obama?!"

Hey... atleast they know who our president is going to be. But, it was such a weird vibe today. I actually felt a little queasy this morning when I woke up. It's strange to see a new face plastered EVERYWHERE, after being so familiar with the old face. I remember when Bill Clinton was voted in as president, and literally thinking the world was coming to an end and my life was ruined. ha!

I honestly have NO idea what is going to happen with our country because we are in the midst of massive transitions in all areas... and I'm not necessarily basing that on our new president. I just think the USA is at a turning point. Anyways, enough political talk.... I pray and believe the Lord will continue to guide me personally and I can only hope I continue to do the right thing according to His word.

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