Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pep Rally

Whew. The pressure was on today. My principal asked me about a month ago if I could plan a pep rally. A few things to take into mind.... 1-LF hasn't had a pep rally in almost 8 years, so I took that as a huge compliment that he even asked me. 2-Imagine creating 45 min. of "fun" to entertain over 1000 middle schoolers... and 3-A small amount of freedom can lead to lots of trouble!

Well... we pulled it off! It was SOOO great! My cheerleaders were great, teachers volunteered to come "dance" and even be apart of the toe-touch competition, and the kids actually got involved and then somehow miraculously went to their seats when they were supposed to. It was planned out minute by minute which kept them entertained and excited.

I really am thrilled. To some of you, this doesn't seem like a big deal but knowing that a lot was riding on this one event (particularly my reputation!)--I was a nervous wreck!

WOOHOO! Glad it's over!


Anonymous said...

I never doubted your ability! YOu are a born teacher and leader!

Lisa Michelle Turner said...

YAY! I wish I could have seen the teacher toe-touch :)

Anonymous said...

breaking up protests, planning pep rallies...I mean seriously, I think we all know who teach of the year should be!

Claire said...

Wow Abby...You must've had a good cheerleading sponor yourself to pull off such a good pep-rally! :-)