I have the two best sisters in the world. I am the youngest of three girls, and I must say that now... I love being the baby. I don't really know why, but I LOVE knowing that 2 older sisters have braved the rough waters of life including getting married, having children, and being in the workforce before me. And, they both have very different persepctives on things, but then both seem to come down to the same point in the end.
But, I am feeling the strain of being away from my sisters now. :o( I haven't seen Sarah since her wedding in May, and it feels like this is the longest we have gone without seeing each other! And Rachel-well we have gone from spending every day together at the pool this summer and eating Chick-fil-A to "dealing with" middle schoolers and high schoolers while eating cafeteria food.
Our phone conversations now go:
"hey, how was school?
it was school.
what are you doing?
about to fix dinner.
yea, me too. **often yelling and screams of the little childrenin the background** i'm really tired.
yea, i need to grade papers.
me too.
ok, well have a fun night.
ok, talk to you later."
haha... ok, they are not ALL like that if something especially dramatic happened at school that day, but seriously-we're pooped. And conversations with Sarah are almost always intense because she actually has people die on her and stuff. Whew... now that's exhausting!
I know these are random sister stories, but I love them dearly, and although Rachel is just a few miles away... it's hard to even find the time now to go visit. :o(
So here is my toast to you Sarah Violet and Rachel Elizabeth-thanks for being so perfectly different that I somehow always learn everything I need to learn from both of you. :o) From your little TARB..... hahahahaha.....
(it's "brat" backwards-that's what they used to call me when I was little because mom and dad wouldn't let them say "brat")
I feel so honored. Don't forget you are moving in with me this weekend when Edward jetsets to CA. We'll get caught up then.
What a sweet blog! I feel the same way about my own sister (who is actually my little TARB). And I am so glad Mae and Kate have each other to share life with. There is nothing like a sister.
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