Sunday, February 24, 2008

Workout OR hookup??

After being a member at the Rush for several months, and also enduring the treacherous activites that my trainer so enjoys making me do, I have come to this conclusion about gyms in general. Are these people really here to "workout"? Or... are they finding this place to be yet another dating connection... hmm...? Now, honestly, I am not saying it's bad to find a significant other at the gym, BUT, I do become somewhat frustrated with girls in particular who enjoy doing cardio and lifting weights with their luscious hair flowing, fully prepared in heavy makeup, while wearing their expensive (not really intended to be) workout clothes. While I, on the otherhand, am wearing an old DZT t-shirt, baggy shorts, tennis shoes that hurt my feet, and have a nice, sweaty "up-do" while a band is holding my flailing bangs and dirty hair. While I'm working my butt off and look like a fool with a red-flushed face, I do secretly giggle at these supermodels working out and don't feel the least bit ashamed of my disheveled look. Oh well... I'm probably watching more drama unfold between these men and women than I realize- and I prefer to stay out of that...


Meagan said...

Oh Abby..I love your blog so far...I added you to my favorites by the way! Love you!

jeremyself said...

i'm so honored i made your bloglist :) love you, girl