Friday, June 17, 2011

Siem Reap Day 1

Our first day in Siem Reap was action packed and HOT! What else would you expect?

The whole crew headed out to the Tonle Sap where 1 million refugees have been living for years. We didn't get to see all of PCL's ministries because the water hasn't risen yet so it would have taken hours to get to where we needed to go. We were on two large boats where little boats will come up and attach themselves to the tourist boat and then send their very young children onto your boat to purchase a drink or take a picture of them with a snake for $1. It's such an awkward feeling.

We took a break on a floating market... got stuck in the anchor... and weasled our way through the lily pads that were pretty much engulfing us. We saw floating basketball courts, schools, and churches. Several NGOs have boats out there.

We then went to an abandoned temple called "temple without a door" (not for sure how to say that in Khmer) and had boxed lunches from Common Grounds. It was a neat idea and we were able to sit in the shade on cool rocks.

After lunch we went to Tok Lok village where PCL is starting to really connect with the people. We handed out 225 water filters and gave a lesson on how to use them. It was so neat to see them drive off on their motos with their pretty filters attached. Each filter is approximately $11 so if you would like to purchase some, please go to PCL's website and e-mail them. (Can't help but give them a plug of course.) =)

We came back and ate at the Red Piano-Angelina Jolie's favorite restaurant. She's even in the menu, ha. And I'm sure somewhere in the mix I got a massage... because so far I have gotten some type of massage the past 4 days.

I feel as if my blogs are very mechanical and business like because I do enjoy sharing the logistics of what we have done... but there is definitely more to it. I feel as if I need to take the time to flush out some thoughts and what I'm really thinking. It's absolutely overwhelming.... I'm writing this now, 4 days late, after the team has already left and after we had a great "debriefing" yesterday. People shared their discoveries, hearts, concerns, tears, and desire to keep coming back and helping the whole country of Cambodia. I've had a few epiphanes along the way that I think will be life-changing.

As much as I miss family and dear friends from home, I really don't miss home at all.

More blogs, and videos, to come.

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