Sunday, April 18, 2010

Maybe next year?

I wish I could say that the reason I haven't blogged in almost 2 weeks is because I've been running my little heart out.

Yeaaaa....not the case. About that... I went to the doc and after much waiting, then questioning, then prodding around on my leg, then getting an x-ray, he confirmed I have a stress fracture in my right tibia. ridiculous.

He was very patient and kind in his explanations of shin splints and stress fractures etc. He then proceeded to tell me I can't run for 6-8 weeks. WHAT?! I looked at him with watery eyes and he immediately sensed my desire to disobey him. He then gave a few examples of extremely bad cases of people who kept running and I finally caved and agreed it would be best. He said I could step on a crack or a pebble even and break my bone.

I won't bore you with all the other details but I left extremely disappointed because I told him about my whole training process. 3 1/2 months people!!!! 3 1/2 months of my life dedicated to putting running as a priority and here I sit on day 10 (since the dr. appt.) still feeling pain in my leg and definitely NOT running. It basically feels like a migraine in my leg, if that helps explain it at all.

I know it's best and I know my leg will heal. I came home and had to put my running shoes and my workout bag hidden away in a closet. He specifically instructed that I can't do ANY type of exercise actually. It feels weird to hear that. I have to go back in a few weeks. Hopefully, once this heals and I can start back up I will be able to run again and not have this injury.

Sooo... I'm still headed to Nashville to cheer on my friends and my mom (who is walking it, and I'm so proud of her!). Didn't get a refund, that's for sure, so I still better get my t-shirt! =)