Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Turning 30

In a few short weeks I will be celebrating a birthday with a 0 on the end.  And it’s not 20… nor 40. 

The most recent 6 months have included feelings of angst towards this dreaded milestone, as well as some days of grand accomplishment and achievement.

As a young girl, I never imagined what these “older” birthdays would be like.  I never once thought about it.  I lived in the moment and with each year I loved celebrating the chosen birthday and growing up. 

 This is the first birthday in which I feel I should not be turning this age.  There’s NO way I’m 30!  I don’t feel like it!  I don’t behave like it!  And I certainly am NOT old.  I saw a Facebook status a few weeks ago that said, “Sometimes I still feel 18 and then I see what an 18 year old posts on Facebook, and quickly realize I am definitely not 18 anymore.”    So. True.

This birthday is a lesson for me.  Something I have needed to learn and must never forget… especially in preparation for the many other birthdays with a 0 on the end. 

Somewhere down the line we subconsciously make plans even if we do not voice them and then when we realize we have hit the time in our life to fulfill all of those plans, and they are not there, we are sorely disappointed.  We are sad.  We are angry.  We are confused.  We can become bitter. 

For those of us who love control, we feel so out of control. 

And then there are times we pause and think of all that has happened to us, for us, and within a certain time frame and we are amazed.  Amazed at His goodness, His faithfulness, and His ability to never lose track of our lives.  Amazed at how all along He was beside us.  And is that not the most important thing?

I beg, beg, beg, BEG you NOT to compare your 30 or 40 or 50 to someone else’s.  And when we were ever told to be at a certain place in our life by a certain year is beyond me, but we all feel that pressure of being accomplished and successful.

Just let go.  Let go of the pressures and live each day in obedience.  Then, when you celebrate a big  _0 birthday, you will be exactly where you are supposed to be.  In obedience with Him.


Merritt | LiveSimplyLove said...

I'm reading this post the day after my 43rd birthday. Thank you for this. It's encouraging and timely for me!

Teddie Bennett said...

Such words of wisdom! We each have our own story to write and our own journey to travel God made each of us unique. Thanks for sharing a part of your journey with us.


Amy said...

I love this, Abby: "And then there are times we pause and think of all that has happened to us, for us, and within a certain time frame and we are amazed. Amazed at His goodness, His faithfulness, and His ability to never lose track of our lives. Amazed at how all along He was beside us. And is that not the most important thing?"

So encouraging and so true. Great post. Love you my gorgeous and funny friend!