Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday's Findings

I've decided to start a new, little blogging pattern.  Every Friday I am going to show what I've learned the previous week via reading, exploring, and researching.

Since moving out of the USA I have learned something.  We need to be more informed!  I haven't always put this as number one priority, but since I have to go out of my way now to hunt down what is going on at home, it has opened the door to me finding out about so much other stuff.

I realize it's impossible to know everything about everything, but it's embarrassing sometimes on how little some of us know about rather important topics.  I do believe education is power and that can not be taken away from you.  Therefore, maybe part of my role in this journey is to open up other people's eyes to knowledge of the world.  The more we understand the rest of the world, the better we understand our own and...  our place in it.

Also, I love humor.  I love pictures that sum up an experience better than words.  And I love to make people laugh. So some of my "findings" might be nonsense.  I don't care!  I just hope it makes you laugh.

I hope to highlight blogs, news, humor, pictures, and music!  =)   All of my posts won't mean that I necessarily agree with them, but just offer them as information for you to ponder and think about.

I dunno.  I may have no one interested in this but I'm hoping that if some of it intrigues me, maybe it intrigues you too.  And maybe you'll laugh extra every Friday, too

1. Shop Goodwill more often!   A lady bought a portrait at Goodwill for $9.99 and it ended up being worth $15K!  What a lucky purchase.

2. How much do you tip?  This is a great chart.  The change in tipping once I moved to Asia was odd to me, but now it will be hard to go back the USA and tip THE MOST out of anywhere in the world!!!

3. This could NOT be more true!
4. Song of the Week:  Laura Jansen covers Use Somebody and it's really beautiful.  Go here to listen.


Teddie Bennett said...

Looking forward to Friday Findings!

Teddie Bennett said...

Looking forward to Friday Findings weekly!