Monday, December 28, 2009


Yes! The day has come.... after complaining for months now about internet, I finally have it.... and let me share how! =)

When I got my iPhone I heard there was a feature called "tethering", but for some reason I thought it was illegal-but it's not. Totally legal, just not supported by At&T. Sooo, basically, I looked on the apple site and it tells you how to do it. So for everyone out there who has an iPhone or is thinking of getting one, this could make your final decision for you.

You basically hook your iPhone up to your computer with the USB and make sure you have the "tethering" switch turned on and voila! You have internet usage on your computer! Basically, me paying the extra $30 for the data package is totally like paying $30 for your regular internet. But now, I get it on my phone and computer!

As you can tell, I'm totally pumped about this because this saves me a lot of money, and could save you money too. So if you're trying to convince your wife or husband as to why you need the iPhone, tell them this great news and how it can save you money. =) I'll be happy to help you start tethering.

Thanks to tethering... I am laying in bed.... with new laptop and phone in hand... listening to my itunes....blogging away. ahhhhh, the glorious Christmas break we teachers gets.


Mario Hood said...
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Mario Hood said...

please make megan, read this.... :-)

The Life of Rookie Parents said...

Oh my gosh! my husband beat me to this post before I could convince you to delete it! UGH! lol. Just one MORE reason Mario will now want an IPhone. So I think now that brings us to like a million and 5 reasons why.

Shawn Virginia said...

Adam totally tried to get me to do this but I talked him out of it! Now that we both are snobby Iphone owners, we might make the change:-)

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