(Does anyone watch George Stephanolopous on Sunday mornings? This is what his show is called-so I titled it in honor of him. Yes, I like to be informed of what's going on in the world.)
Still don't have the internet rollin' at the house, so I'm over at mom's using hers. I've had several times where I wanted to blog this week, but couldn't. boo.
First of all, I have seen several of you in person and you've asked about the "essay writing assignment" I gave my cheerleaders. It went fine, and some of them articulate their thoughts very well, but hopefully we can refocus on our character.
Secondly, yes... if anyone has even noticed or ever checks out my facebook page, I got rid of it. I'm pretty sure you just type in your username etc. and everything pops up again, but I just needed a break. A break for multiple reasons that I don't have to share on here... but being able to know what EVERYONE is doing was getting old. Therefore, the personal freedom I have now is FABULOUS. If you love me and know me well enough, you can just text if you need me. =)
Thirdly, I have a funny story to share. So I'm at the gymnastics center again on Thursday with my cheerleaders and I'm watching them while they practice with their instructor on the mat. I needed to walk over to get my cell phone...or something. So please imagine, this center is a REAL gymnastics place therefore there are beams, parallel, and uneven bars everywhere. So I'm walking... on the mats... not paying attention... and POW! I walk right into the uneven bars. I mean... the bar nails my forehead, jerks my head back, all while hearing a huge "gasp" behind me. I realized what had happened.... turned around and sneakily smiled and said, "ohh, don't worry.. I'm ok" to my cheerleaders. They all saw it with their chins dropped. ha. Then, I couldn't help but laugh and they all started laughing as well. The next morning on our field trip, I told them my head still hurt. =) They laughed again.
Fourthly, Lee's homecoming was this weekend and it was good to see lots of old faces. Some faces I expect to always see at those type of events but I must admit the highlights were seeing the Burtons and Brooke Murray Childers. =) Neither did I expect to see and I was genuinely happy and excited. I'm such a dork. And yes, to everyone else I saw, you brightened my day as well.
Fifthly, (this is quite a long update) my car is messed up so I'm driving momma's mini! woohoo! Yes, I keep wanting to wave at people I see around town at the red lights, but then I think "noo, they won't recognize me in my fancy red Montana van." Therefore I do not wave...
Sixthly, my sister is currently in labor... well sort of. She called yesterday morning because she's having contractions (about 10 min. apart) but we're still kind of waiting until things intensify before we take the trip to NC. We are patiently awaiting Gabriel's arrival.
I have no fun pictures to post but here's my measly life in a nutshell. This week for me entails 2 loooooong nights at some basketball games. I hope you think of me Tuesday and Thursday while you're probably at home warm with your coffee while I sit on the bleachers for 4 hours. =)
maybe you are patiently awaiting Gabriel's arrival-I am getting progressively less patient.
I love you and can't wait to see you whenever that may be.
loved your update and I too am patiently awaiting the arrival of little Gabriel! Hope your head feels better soon, that is sooo something that would happen to me!
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