Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I've never asked for anything through my blog.

But I am going to today...

I really don't know who all reads my blog and how many "followers" I have. I'm sure just family and close friends.... but, I really have an important need.

I need, desire, want, whatever you wanna call it.... BOOKS for my classroom. I have a shelf with books, but they are old... dirty.... used.... and out dated. I really want new, clean, fresh, modern books that will make my kids read. Yes, we have a library... but if they don't have their ID or have ANY fine, they can't check out any more books. I have my own check out system in my classroom, and I really want my students to have access to books all the time no matter what. It helps them read.

So if any of you feel the need to give in any way possible to help me out with this, I would GREATLY appreciate. They just made an announcement today that all school money is on a freeze, because we are running out of it! I get $100 per year for my classroom (isn't that unbelievable?!), and it has already been spent on another reading curriculum.

No need to get into the legistics... I just need books. That's the bottom line. If anyone can lead me in a direction to maybe find a way to get free books, that would be greatly appreciated.

This blog was written by my alter-ego... Miss Fletcher. :o)


Anonymous said...

Can you be more specific with the kind of books you'd like? I'd love to help!

Anonymous said...

Count me in and I will spread the word at work and see what we can do.

Anonymous said...

I will check with mom...we have tons at her house. What reading levels and ages do you need?

Lisa Michelle Turner said...

Hi love! Do you have a list or ideas of what kind of books?