Tuesday, May 27, 2008

She is crazy, in a good way!

Wow-do I have a treat for you! Mr. Winters asked the kids to act as if they are writing to the new kids coming into our building next year, and to inform them of all much needed information they must have to succeed in the grand building 2! So.... we have been reading them and laughing very hard! and also, feeling very appreciated at the same time.

I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything but when a teacher hears these things, it makes you want to keep teaching. I really do thank the Lord that I am able to see a small impact. Also, if you know me well, you will recognize that these kids pretty much figured me out and have learned exactly who I am. I'm so glad they saw my heart!

Here are exact quotes from several of the letters in regards to my teaching skills (and other things actually). Anything in parentheses is my input or explanation. Do enjoy and I hope you laugh-OUT LOUD!

-the best teachers are winters/fletcher(maybe)/beard (From a student who gave me more problems than anyone!)

-Miss Fletcher is the reading teacher. She is the young sweet teacher. She might look like she will let you do anything but shes got you tricked. There is very little you can do and not get caught. Although, she does have her days. She is the fun, always laughing, sweet teacher.

-Miss Fletcher: she's nice and she doesn't yell a lot.

-Miss Fletcher is great also, she expects your best and loves to have fun.

-Miss Fletcher is just awesome. Shes like every other teacher but better. There is something about her that makes her great. (wow, how stinkin' nice is that?)

-Miss Fletcher is a very nice teacher when you get to know her. She has a very cool project near the end of the year but I wo'nt tell you what it is cause she probably won't either. (from a kid who I pretty much thought hated me)

-Next is Miss Fletcher's reading class. She is young and is new to the building this year. Her class is probably the less stressful of all the classes. Don't get me wrong, her work is difficult but she doesn't give a lot of homework.

-Miss Fletcher is really sweet and friendly. SHe always seems to make reading enjoyable!

-Miss Fletcher leads some recycling group. She also makes people do essays all the time.

-There's Miss Fletcher, if you think that she reads slowly your wrong.

-Miss Fletcher is pretty funny but don't get on her bad side cause she can be mean and don't talk cause she will send you to the back of the room. (I love this kid! He got in trouble ONE time, and I obviously hurt his little feelings for punishing him!)

-Always be respectful to Miss Fletcher, because it'll pay off when you need it.

-Miss Fletcher is a really sweet woman. She has her days, but they're really easy to brighten up. She always wears the cutest outfits and she's easy to get along with.

-Miss Fletcher: she makes a joke now and then. She likes to put us in groups.

-Miss Fletcher's really nice but don't get on her bad side. (I have a BAD side? who knew?...)

-Miss Fletcher is just like the mom of the building. (WHAT?!)

-For reading, Miss Fletcher. She may be young but she can teach very good!

-Lastly, Miss Fletcher. She is such a sweetheart, but don't goof off because she'll still set you straight. She will always be reading you a book and helping you study for an upcoming quiz.

-Miss Fletcher is reading. She is crazy, in a good way, and loves to read.

-Miss Fletcher is a young teacher. She is the cheerleading coach at LFMS. She is very outgoing and loves to have a great time everywhere she goes. Her skills at teaching are outstanding. If you need to learn something she can help. Don't get blinded by her prettyness, she can be MEAN, at times if you disrespect her. (HILARIOUS!)

-Miss Fletcher records times you get caught with gum. (I caught this girl ONE time with gum, and it obviously had a big effect on her.)

-Miss Fletcher is the reading teacher. She is very fun but she is also the type of teacher who expects the best from you.

So there ya go!!!! There were other HILARIOUS ones, especially about the other teachers, but these are just a few. I LOVE that they know I expect the best from them, because that is one of the most important lessons I try to live out myself. I'm happy for a break, but will be excited for a new group of kids as well.


Anonymous said...

So cute...out of the mouth's of babes!

Claire said...

It is so great to hear what a great job you are doing as a teacher...I knew you'd be the best!


Lisa Michelle Turner said...

Abs it's great! I'll try to not let your prettyness blind me :) I loved it!

Johnson said...

(this is Kelly, not Travis)

Hi Abby! I just found you and your sister on blogs - I love it. I am linking you today!

Way too cute of a story here. Want to know what I pictured the whole time - your sweet, pretty sister Rachel inducting me. The pretty, sarcastic dzt member who was also tough as nails! You guys must be alike!
