Monday, May 5, 2008

I know... I said I wouldn't do it

So I said I would never talk about my love life on here... and technically, I'm not. This is more of a general thought about the single life... and hopefully the marrieds and singles will listen to this alike.

Please do not feel sorry for single people. I realize that having a partner or spouse is a joyous amazement to behold, but my life will not begin when I have a man. I am exactly who I am supposed to be and whole and complete just the way I am, and I don't even necessarily think my life would be wayyyy funner with a man in it right now. There are fun things that I can't/don't join in on because I don't have a man, but there are also fun things that married people can't do that I can.

Honestly, I don't mind people's efforts in trying to hook me up with someone, as long as it is done with pure intentions and not out of a feeling of, "Well, Abby needs a good man to make her happy..." blah blah blah!

I was chatting with a friend a few weeks ago, and tried to explain to her where I am in my life and I hope this comes out right. I have never been more in love with the Lord than I am right now, and I hope and pray and desire that this love never leaves. All I care about is serving the Lord and spending time with Him. I'm not trying to sound self-righteous or haughty, but I really can't stress it enough. I welcome a good man into my life if that is what the Lord wills for me, but if most of my life consists of this single love I have for the Lord, then I am more than thrilled to keep it just like that. I know that single people can make excuses for making themselves feel good at where they are in their lives, but seriously... I have finally experienced the fullness of the Lord, and Him only. I can't imagine loving someone as much as I love Him.

I hope this made sense. It all is making sense to me and it's becoming clearer everyday.

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