Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Take it in

This a sporadic list of the thoughts, experiences, quotes or ideas from this past weekend at Passion... (I told you I was still having to let it all soak in.)

"Christians need to be weird in the right way." (Francis Chan talking about how sometimes Christians act like wierdos, and not in a good way!)

Caterpillar to Butterfly.

Keep "in step" with the spirit.

Pouring rain.

There should be a difference between those who have the Holy Spirit and those who do NOT.

Elijah was just a regular human like us. (James 5:17)

Trouble is a megaphone for whatever is in our hearts.


Clark driving like a maniac to not miss the service.

Kristen driving like a maniac to get to the mall.

"Welcome to the silence..."

You're the God of this city.

Chris Tomlin is a hottie.

Whistling to the 80s music.

Sam Lu.

Keep your eyes on the Cross.

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