Sunday, March 30, 2008


So not being at work for a week can really throw off a girl's schedule! Whew! Here a few highlights of spring break, and then a few highlights of what I look forward to being back "on schedule."

Spring Break 08-
1. Spent too much money shopping :o)
2. Hannah helped me get some new running shoes, so I am hoping this somewhat relieves my shin splints.
3. Ate pretty bad
4. Slept a lot
5. Played guitar hero (see below)
6. Loved having lunch with the church staff at Cornerstone AofG... they were sooo fun!
7. The GPS saved my life (not literally, but it was great)

Looking foward to-
1. Exercising REGULARLY again
2. Eating BETTER
3. Dressing up for work (I know, I'm so weird)
4. Being on a normal sleep schedule
5. Wednesday night dinner(s)
6. Whippin' my kids into shape for our state test in 2 weeks (the TCAP)
7. Organizing my clothes

Now, looking back at that list I think I could possibly be the most adult-like 24 year old EVER because it's lame that I look forward to organizing and dressing up. Wow, I must be more boring than I realize. How sad for me...

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