Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's almost October!

As you can tell, mission Cambodia is in full swing!! It's been a crazy September, yet fun and action packed.

My aunt took over my blog design and doesn't it look lovely? I love that it has a touch of both cultures.... American(o) and my future home, Cambodia! Also, you can go right to the button at the top and donate to my mission through that outlet. How great!

Also, my dear friend who is oh so talented at graphic design (I guess that's what you call it?) helped design my fundraising brochure and I hope to have that by the end of the week. I'll be doing a large mail out here soon. It will be nice to actually have something to pass out.

Last Saturday I had a fantastic yard sale with the help of family and friends! I took off work Friday to set up with my mom all day and I'm sure glad I did that considering it took ALLLLLL day to set up! My sister offered her home which is a superb location and some close friends helped transfer furniture Thursday as well. I am VERY grateful and made around $1200!!!! It's definitely a start!

Two Sundays ago I was able to attend North Cleveland COG with my uncle where he spoke about PCL and their work in Cambodia. He mentioned me from the pulpit to rally the troops for support and I was able to make several hundred dollars that day just off of the Cambodian made necklaces. It was really good to be back at the church I grew up in.

I was also able to share with my Sunday School class a few weeks ago and tell my testimony of how I came to this decision about Cambodia. It was really great to talk to a small group of ladies and tell them my personal story. I'm grateful that they let me share.

And most recently, I was able to go on the radio this morning with our local station, WCLE-Steve Hartline!!! It was so much fun and I'm pretty sure that was my radio debut! Big Thanks to Steve for asking me to come on the air and I might get to go back and talk about Cambodia again. Hopefully some support will come from that too.

As far as Cambodia, those are the most recent happenings.

As far as life... well, I thought somehow it would slow down but it hasn't felt like it! My very best friend Katie delivered her precious little baby, Lucy Hope, last Wednesday and I just love her to pieces! She is SO beautiful and perfect. I told Katie she looks just like my niece in my opinion... ha... which is the best compliment I can give considering I think my niece is flawless! (I can say that because I'm the aunt... not the mom!) I have weaseled my way over to Katie's almost every day, just to hold that little munchkin. And Katie is doing fabulous, might I add.

I told myself that this year, in regards to school, I was not going to stay past 4 o'clock or bring home tons of papers. yeaa..... somehow that still hasn't happened. I always think each year it will get easier but that's definitely not the case this year. I have my second observation tomorrow and then I'M DONE!!! woohoo!!! They stress me out to the max. May the good Lord help me get to December.

1 comment:

The Life of Rookie Parents said...

Love the new layout! It looks awesome!