Tuesday, August 16, 2011

and that's not fat with a PH

Today was the 7th official day of school and my body is slowly adjusting to being back at work. I am exhausted to say the least.

I'm doing my best to bring NO work home with me and so far I've done very well. That means I can take my time cooking food I want to cook... laying around... cleaning the house.... and reading-of course!

Thanks to my dear friend MS, she suggested this devotional book Sunday...

... this time of year I'm always needing a new plan to get into the Word so I've been wanting a new guide and this seems like a great place to start. I enjoy the probing questions and prayers. Last week one night I just sat on my bed and stared at my Bible, hoping God's word would just float into my brain, because I was so exhausted I literally couldn't even pick it up. It's a new day kids!

So have any of you gotten the new "Shellac" or "Gel" polish??? Oh... my... word... it's perfection! I have had it on for 10 days now and not a scratch, mark, or chipping on these hands yet! It's already worth every penny! It's $20, but is supposed to last 3-4 weeks. I'll let you know how it pans out.
(Do you like how I went from devotional book to nail polish? No hiding what's important to me!)

I went to Zumba last night... probably the first time since May. And it all suddenly came rushing back to me all the thoughts that occur to me in that 1 hour time period. First of all, I'm not young like the good ole days. Secondly, I always admire the very elderly who do Zumba or those who are very motivated to lose a lot of weight. I think that's admirable. I was also highly entertained by the woman in front of me, who's face in the mirror I could see clearly and I'm pretty sure she thought she was in a Jay-Z music video with those faces she was making. It. was. hilarious. Oh how I needed a close girlfriend to be there with me. And the joys of being a teacher in a somewhat small town always include having to do Zumba with at least one student you've had.

If you have a friend that is a Tennessee teacher, on their behalf I suggest you be extra encouraging and supportive right now. I won't get into the MADNESS of it all, unless you have a lot of time to spare, but just know... there are some serious changes going on right now in TN Legislation and it is surely going to lead to a lot of people leaving this profession. May the good Lord help us all. And may I be a "solid 3". (ahem, we are now being ranked 1-5 and apparently if you are a "3" you are considered "rock solid". then why offer a 5 people!?!?!?)

Oh, and how could I forget. Did I tell you a student called me FAT in front of the entire class last week? Yes. True story. I will save the details BUT-I handled it like a champ honestly, and I was rather proud. I talked with him after, he did come apologize, and then I called his father. =) And when I talked to his dad I wanted to say, "Oh... and by the way... I'm really not fat. You can come in and see for yourself." HA! Not the point here Abby...

And lastly, stay tuned dear friends as I hope to make a BIG announcement next week about some recent decisions about my life! I have NOOOOOO clue who even reads my blog but if you do, I promise it will be fun! =) Bring a friend even. teeheehee...

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