Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lucky me

Since I am one of the few single gals left within most of my close girlfriend circles, I have the joy of watching and learning from their marriages and parenting. I am truly taking it as a blessing, because I am getting so many great examples! Of course, the family I watch the most is my sister's but then I have multiple girlfriends who are raising their first child and it is so interesting to see how different they all are and how they look at being a mother. Today, I was at the pool with 3 moms (all kids different ages) and I love scoping out how they handle situations. I know I will never really know until I have my own, but I am taking these siutations in as teachable moments. So thank you to all of you friends/mothers that are doing such a fantastic job in raising your children! I feel very blessed to be able to watch these little kiddos grow.

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